Agile advantages and disadvantages

Agile is a term that has become synonymous with software development. It is a mindset that has revolutionised how software development teams across the globe work. We are even seeing the term adopted by other sectors and markets to increase productivity, efficiency and success. 

However, an Agile approach isn’t suitable for every project or every team;  it’s by no means a one-size-fits-all approach that will work perfectly for everyone.

It is important to know both the advantages and disadvantages of the Agile approach so that you can make the most informed decision possible in your own situation. Knowing the ins and outs of the model will help you decide on whether it is an Agile methodology you need for your own project or not. 

To assist you in this decision-making process, we have created this blog detailing the advantages and disadvantages of an Agile software development model. With the help of this resource, we hope you can make the best choices for your upcoming projects.

But first, let’s define Agile and what it means.

What is an Agile approach?

The manifesto for Agile software development is as follows: 

“We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. Through this work we have come to value:

  • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
  • Working software over comprehensive documentation
  • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
  • Responding to change over following a plan

That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.” 

The Agile approach to software development is all about being more productive and streamlining the development process. It aims to streamline the process and transform it into something more manageable for both developer and client. 

The approach was designed at a time when the failure rate of development projects was high. There was a lot of confusion and miscommunication, and it was clear that a better road needed to be paved. 

Statistics now show that Agile projects have a 64% success rate. Companies and teams across the world make the most of the approach to help them succeed in a wide range of IT and development projects. An Agile way of working helps these companies and teams develop products quickly, launch them early, and continually improve upon their success. 

It is an innovative way of working with many advantages. Let’s discuss those in more detail in the next section. 

Advantages of an Agile methodology 

There is a range of advantages associated with an Agile approach to software development. It is for good reason that more than 70% of companies now use Agile methodologies. 

With a team of people educated and experienced in leading Agile projects, you can have a very functional project with sustainable progress and growth. Working in an Agile way can revolutionise how your business works and help you level up entirely. Agile is more than a trendy tagline, it is an ecosystem of effective working.

Some of the advantages we can anticipate from an Agile approach include: 

  • Increased customer/client satisfaction due to regularly presented results and opportunity for feedback
  • Consistent opportunities to improve and fix bugs
  • Reduces risk as problems can be fixed and changed early on
  • Allows changes to be made at any time throughout a project
  • High levels of interaction between customer and developer, leading to improved rapport and understanding
  • Fast building and delivery of the product, decreased time to market period
  • Frequent testing allows technical issues to be fixed quickly, allowing an overall higher-quality experience for customer or client
  • Lower costs due to reduced documentation and increased production 

As you can see, there is a great deal of potential success to be had in working with an Agile methodology for a software development project. For many, it is an entirely new lease on life for their projects. 

Disadvantages of an Agile methodology 

As with anything else in life, there are downsides to the use of an Agile approach to a project. It isn’t that the approach is flawed or ineffective, and all of the advantages we have previously outlined still stand, however it is simply that the approach will not suit every type of team or project. 

Some disadvantages associated with an Agile methodology include:

  • Experienced and skilled team members needed to conduct an Agile project
  • High levels of customer interaction mean an increased workload for developers, testers, and other members of the team
  • Scope creep – change made without any official procedure or alignment to original goals and structure
  • Experience rot – when too many complex features are added throughout iterations and the overall experience of the app, site, or Saas is diminished 
  • Difficulties with defining budget and financial expense 
  • Possibility for confusion and lack of direction 

What you might notice with this list is that all of the potential disadvantages can be solved with the right kind of team. An expert team of Agile-experienced members can handle all of these potential challenges without letting them turn into disadvantages or problems. 

We have a direct solution for that.

Finding the right Agile team 


If you’re searching for an expert Agile team, look no further than 6B. 


We are firm believers in working Agile. It helps us reduce risk, makes us more responsive to change, and improves communication within our team and with our clients.


If you want to reap the benefits of our experienced and skilled Agile way of working, get in contact with us today and see what we can offer you and your team. 

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