All successful digital transformation projects have two things in common: 

  • A clearly defined purpose 
  • Alignment across every level of the business

It’s critical that everyone from investors to decision makers in the companies you’ve invested in are on the same page. That’s why we work with you, to understand the unique requirements of each investment you’ve made and the specific objectives you want to achieve, so we can devise a custom digital strategy that will serve your investment companies best and accelerate your return on investment.

As a private equity firm, your primary aim is clear: to maximise revenue growth in the companies you invest in. The best way to do this? Digital transformation. Whether it’s identifying areas for growth in the market using data insights, or making internal processes more efficient through automation, technology holds the key to squeezing the most out of your investments. 

If you’re looking to increase the value of a company, digital is the way to go.

Optimise your investment

We partner with private equity firms throughout the entire investment lifecycle to help deliver value and a greater return on investment. The digital services we offer follow a two-pronged approach:


This phase begins with an extensive scoping exercise. We’ll assess and evaluate all of your prospective investment’s existing systems and processes, identifying areas where you are underperforming or not utilising resources efficiently, before suggesting technology solutions to plug any gaps.

We’ll discuss long-term business objectives and priorities, collaborating with your internal teams and stakeholders to formulate a roadmap, detailing potential risks and timescales that are unique to your investment and aligned with your budgetary requirements. 


Our work is far from finished once the digital strategy has been implemented, as we will continue to measure, monitor and track the changes we have made so your team can see the tangible benefits of digital transformation. 

Our team will continue to work closely with yours, evaluating the effectiveness of the changes we’ve made and suggesting iterative improvements to the strategy and solutions we’ve provided, helping to enhance the value of your investment. 

Technology and data-led solutions fit for the future

Generally speaking, private equity firms tend to avoid projects that don’t move the needle. Companies that are slow to adopt new digital ways of working are heavily reliant on outdated processes, which means they risk becoming irrelevant and redundant. To unlock growth and revenue potential, you need to learn how to leverage digital.

Focus on becoming digitally literate

In order to gain a competitive advantage, more and more private equity firms are turning to digitisation. To thrive in this digitally-driven landscape, investors need to be able to get comfortable with different technologies and be able to anticipate which technologies can positively impact their portfolio of companies; being reactionary is no longer an option.

Embrace a data-driven strategy

While profit projections are still a valuable indicator of success, they aren’t the only thing to consider. As a private equity company, any investment decision you make must be driven by whether or not you’re the right cultural fit. With a wealth of customer data at your disposal, you need to crunch the numbers to identify opportunities in the market that are compatible with your unique skill set and aligned with the rest of your investment portfolio, ensuring you achieve the greatest possible return.

Find a digitally savvy partner 

Lastly, you need a technical partner who has the experience and know-how to take your investments to the next level when it comes to embracing technology. You need a specialist agency at your side, one that is capable of advising on decisions that impact the company and devising bespoke plans to help you achieve your ambitious growth plans – 6B is that agency.

Digital transformation in healthcare

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Ready to accelerate your technology project?

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