What we did
Now it was time to bring the prototypes to life.
Throughout the project we’ve committed to working a dual track agile process, and the reason for this was simple. Agile development allows us to focus on a specific area, get it signed off, go into build and then turn our attention to the next area. Not only is this approach really useful in terms of risk mitigation, but it also ensures the solution doesn’t become outdated.
The pandemic is a perfect example of this. If we start a long-term project and commit to a solution in the first couple of weeks or months, external factors out of our control could soon render that solution redundant and we would have to start over.
The integrated web application we’re developing will grant colleagues across all individual brands easy access to the documents, channels and resources they need.
For Drivespeed to deliver on their ambitious growth plans for the next ten years, they need a portal that’s responsive and can maintain accurate stock levels.
The portal we’re developing will do just that. It means that stock can be imported and removed automatically once sold, instead of staff having to manually add vehicles onto the system every quarter, and remove them once a buyer has been found.
Creating efficiencies and improving accuracy was a primary focus for Drivespeed when briefing us. To do this, we introduced an automated live system dashboard component; when this is up and running, staff won’t have to manually create reports, with instant access to real-time data on stock levels and sales percentages to target.
I’m confident that the measures we put in place to automate tasks in finance, compliance and workflow processes, will allow staff to focus on tasks that actually require a human touch, like interacting with customers or marketing the business.
To improve the customer journey further, we’re also redesigning the existing customer facing website, making it simple to navigate – and above all else, functional. Brokers and customers will now be able to access all the information they need without having to leave the site.