NHS Spine 2 Integration
6B provides NHS Spine 2 integration for funded startups and other health tech organisations.
Electronic referrals and electronic prescriptions are among the tasks you can carry out by linking your healthcare organisation to the Spine network of NHS IT services.
Through verifying details against the NHS Patient Demographics Service (PDS), healthcare organisations can verify an NHS number, search for an NHS number based on demographics and search for demographics based on an NHS number.
NHS Spine 2 integration is often a gateway for your health tech company to access national NHS IT infrastructure, such as GP2GP.
Your healthcare organisation can also link to the Spine 2 Mini-Service. This requires a secure connection and the proper compliance, which you can collaborate with 6B on. The Spine Mini-Service interface gives your healthcare organisation access to important patient data.
NHS Spine 2 Development
6B works collaboratively with health tech organisations and funded startups to test your NHS product through the NHS Digital Opentest network. Through this, your organisation can learn how your product will interact with NHS Spine and associated services, which include the Personal Spine Information Service and the Electronic Prescription Service.
6B has vast experience in working with healthcare organisations and NHS integration services, which includes SystmOne, Epic, Emis and other leading healthcare systems providers.
Our NHS number validation and Spine 2 integration services always ensure patient data can be accessed securely across health and social care settings.
The NHS number validation service is more accurate and efficient than the traditional PDS batch testing service and 6B consults and develops your organisation’s NHS Spine 2 integration to work to its maximum potential.